Sangha: Reclaiming Connection, Reclaiming Community
A Residential Retreat with
Arinna Weisman, Ian Challis and Fresh "Lev" White
February 17-20, 2023
*This retreat is full but please register below to join the waiting list and we will contact you if a spot opens up
A 3 night residential retreat at Dhamma Dena, for Insight Community of the Desert with Arinna Weisman, Ian Challis and Fresh "Lev" White.
Thich Nhat Hanh writes, “practicing with sangha, the way of awareness, gives rise to benefits without limit.” Practice with others grounds, inspires, and teaches us in unique and powerful ways, this is why Buddhist teaching emphasizes community practice as one of the Three Refuges, essential to the path of awakening.
Our sangha, like so many across the world, is engaged in re-connecting, re-imagining, and re-knowing what it means to practice in-person, side by side. How do we cohere and strengthen as a community in these days? What does it mean in body and heart to practice the “way of awareness” together?
Let’s find out, let’s experience the blessings of practice together. Let’s reconnect to the joy of exploring the dharma, the path toward liberation as fellow travellers.
Join us in the beautiful high desert for 3 days of meditation practice, dharma, and sangha.
Open to beginners and long-standing students with a connection to Insight Community of the Desert and other local practice groups.
The retreat is offered at a sliding scale of $50-$100 a day. For her last retreat at Dhamma Dena, Arinna invites you to donate to Dhamma Dena through your registration in honor of her retirement. No one will be turned away for lack of funds and registration fees are an important form of support for the running of the center.
There will also be an opportunity to offer dana / donations for the teachings at the close of the retreat.