Past Retreat
Holding Each Moment With Wisdom & Love: Queer, LGBT, Gender Non-Conforming Retreat

A Residential Retreat with Leslie Booker, Arinna Weisman and Ian Challis

Oct 24 - Nov 7, 2022 | Self-retreat: Nov 7 - 13, 2022

Queer, LGBT, Gender Non-Conforming Retreat

OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 7 | in-person, residential retreat

NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13 | in-person self retreat (spaces available)*

*We have expanded the self-retreat to include a daily schedule of meditation practice, daily Dharma talks with Arinna Weisman and Venerable Fred, optional group sharing, and one or more 45 minute individual interviews with a teacher. For the self retreat, Alisa Dennis will also be doing interviews online. If you would like to register for the self retreat only, you can do so here.

A two-week residential retreat at Dhamma Dena, with Leslie Booker, Arinna Weisman and Ian Challis.

For those wishing to continue their practice into a third week, Arinna and others will be offering an additional week of self-retreat from Nov 7-13.

How can we hold our grief, our shame, and our joys in these challenging times that sometimes seem empty of hope? How can we defy the rampant energies of ignorance and delusion so that we are able to support ourselves, and to care for and strengthen our communities?

The Buddha offered us a path of healing and liberation through the calling in and strengthening of our capacity to love and to be wise. On this retreat we enter, as a community, into a training to meet with kindness what ever arises within ourselves. Through moment to moment mindfulness wisdom grows and discerns what reduces suffering or what strengthens it. We increasingly become aware of these choice points and the possibility of transformation

Coming together as LGBTGNC gives us enough safety and support to be able to witness ourselves as we are with compassion and offer this witnessing to each other challenging the negative messages we have received and continue to receive. We know we depend on each others support and reflection to do this work for ourselves, and for the work we do in the world.

We orient toward liberation, justice and the greater capacity to hold the inevitable joys and sorrows of a fully human life.

Ten online spots will be available for those with disabilities and/or chronic illness who are unable to come in person.

Open to beginners and long-standing students.

The retreat is offered at a sliding scale of $20-$100 a day. No one will be turned away for lack of funds and registration fees are an important form of support for the running of the center. The online spots for people with disabilities and chronic illness are offered at no cost.

There will also be an opportunity to offer dana / donations for the teachings at the close of the retreat.